Monday, March 22, 2010


This Saturday only all the items from the "I AM" collection will be buy one get one free!!

Our purpose in creating the gift items in the “I AM” collection is to help enrich the lives of believers by helping them understand the relationship between the Passover meal and Communion and gain a deeper understanding of spiritual heritage and greater insights into the redemptive work of Jesus Christ.

Menorah $5.00
Candle holders $5.00
Plate $7.00
Goblet $5.00

Bring together the meaning of the Light of Hanukkah and The Light of the World with this beautifully decorated ceramic menorah. The Hanukkah menorah features English and Hebrew references to John 8:12 - The Light of the World is Yeshua / Jesus.

These beautifully decorated Candle Holders feature Jesus’ words “‘I am the light of the world.’” from John 8:12. The “I AM” Candle Holders can be used to celebrate Passover with your family, friends and fellow believers, or as meaningful home décor that adds light and scripture.
This beautifully decorated ceramic Matzah Plate features Hebrew and English writing for Matzah and Jesus’ words “‘I am the bread of life.’” from John 6:48. The “I AM” Matzah Plate can be used to celebrate Passover or Communion with your family, friends and fellow believers.

This ceramic Goblet Cup features Jesus’ words “‘I am the true vine.’” from John 15:1 and “This cup is the new covenant in my blood.” from 1 Corinthians 11:25. The “I AM” Cup can be used to celebrate Passover or Communion with your family, friends and fellow believers.


  1. Dayspring no longer carries this line. Any idea where they can be located?

  2. Do you still have these items for sale? Or, would you know where I can find them?

  3. Seconded! I just discovered these and really want to purchase the whole set.

  4. Third. I need the Matza plate. Dayspring has the candlesticks at the moment. Check ebay for the others.

  5. Hello, I am looking for Seder plate, the that separates the lamb bone,bitter herb does anyone know where I can find one in this pattern, Dayspring no longer carries this anymore. Thank you

  6. Do you still have this store active? I would love to get these items from you if you still have them available. :)

    1. I would really like to purchase the Seder set! I bought the Hanukkiah (Hanukkah candle holder) when it was available. It’s more beautiful in person!! I wish I had bought the rest of the set for Passover. If they had them again, I would definitely buy them.

  7. The Sabbath candlesticks and wine cup are so pretty. Can I purchase them.


  MARCH SALE buy one get one free MAGHON TAYLOR PRODUCT While supplies last.